Journal last year of a transmuted their modest flat $ 15 million budget by $ 64 million North American box office gold (and $ 11 million worldwide). This return of five times the investment managers of why the franchise wasted no time in starting a sequel film in the series of popular books for children. "
And what they did publish a case study of how comfortable you can continue the family formula, avoiding the explicit inclusion of sex, drugs, profanity and violence are still able to create a movie that is about right for a young audience as the fourth-grade teacher lectured on proctology.
Greg Rodrick and parents seems to mean well, and it would be cruel to say they were indifferent to their young charges. But they are often saturated predictable sitcom style unsuspecting, and they are too easily manipulated by their children far too intelligent. Even when the mother tries to enforce real consequences, for example, she talked about following through on behalf of the facilitation of well-being of the film ends. So she went on stage and shake shimmies 'n' the sound of ... Diper welded.
Not only is there no real sanctions for Rodrick and poor choice of Greg, the film uses some messages funny-yet-questionable what is normal for the seventh graders and high school students. Secretly watching movies, your parents do not approve? Check. To have a giant evening when parents naively above you leave the house this weekend? Check. Turning in your brother's paper, and we hope the teacher will not notice? Check. Leaving fake vomit on the cars of people just to get a reaction? Check. Put underwear on your best friend on your head and pull in the hope that you will be the next viral sensation on YouTube?